Deutsches Lokalisierungsprojekt

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New Page: Deutsche Lokalisierung

At the ADempiere Conference we had a German Localization Workshop and ended up with a list of requirements that have to be met in order to use ADempiere in german business. The plan is to find a responsible for each of the points and to split the developing effort among the german community. So this section will start just with a skeleton of (empty) wiki pages - so please fill them to create a specification for them (and maybe add your name as responsible or sponsor for some of the points). If we (or I) forgot a point just add it to the list - it's a wiki :) Kthiemann 12:48, 30 May 2007 (EDT)


German Language Pack (metas Nwessel)






Kontenrahmen (metas mark_o)


Main System Language

Deutsche Dokumentation

Anlagenbuchhaltung Tgvoelker 17:25, 11 June 2007 (EDT)

Bestätigung von ausländischen Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummern
