Open Window and Tab

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Tutorial to open an existing ADempiere window/tab programmatically

Open a window

Open an existing ADempiere window from java.

private boolean openPurchaseOrders(){
  /** AD_Window_ID of purchase order window */
  final int PURCHASE_ORDER_WINDOW_ID = 181;
  final AWindow poFrame= new AWindow(); 
  final boolean ok = poFrame.initWindow(PURCHASE_ORDER_WINDOW_ID, null);  
  if (!ok) { 
     return false; 
  return true; 

Open a window with filtered data

Open a window and specify the shown data records. Use this e.g. if you create documents programmatically and you just want to show the new generated data.

private boolean openPurchaseOrders(){
  /** AD_Window_ID of purchase order window */
  final int PURCHASE_ORDER_WINDOW_ID = 181;
  /** filter the data - needs to be generated for real use... */
  String whereString = " C_Order_ID IN (1000000, 1000001)"; 
  final AWindow poFrame = new AWindow(); 
  final MQuery query = new MQuery("C_Order"); 
  final boolean ok = poFrame.initWindow(AD_Window_ID, query);  
  if (!ok) { 
     return false; 
  return true; 

Navigate to a tab (Revision 2101 and higher)

APanel has several methods for tab navigation and information:

public void setSelectedTabIndex(int index);
public int getSelectedTabIndex(); 
public int noOfTabs();
public String getSelectedTabName();

To navigate to a certain tab first get the APanel of the opened window:

APanel apanel = poFrame.getAPanel(); 

Now you can use the methods of APanel to navigate to a tab of the window. Make shure that the tabIndex you set is less then noOfTabs() returns.

i.e. to navigate to the fourth tab supposing that third tab is parent of fourth:

if (apanel.noOfTabs() >= 4) {
    apanel.setSelectedTabIndex(2); // select parent first