Sponsored Development: WebService
Project Team
- Lukasz Kolczynski of 3E
- Maciej Lizewski of 3E
Functional Specs
- Lukasz Kolczynski
- Maciej Lizewski
- Lukasz Kolczynski
- Maciej Lizewski
- Lukasz Kolczynski
- Maciej Lizewski
- Jan Kantert
- [3E]
Export the AD via Soap using Codehaus XFire and Apache jetty. Additionally they build a delphi client (win only) to use the service. Works even over very slow internet connections and doesnt have such security flaws like the Adempiere java fat-client. Of course it it possible to build custom applications on basis of this webservice.
Hong Nguyen submitted some screenshots here
Howto run
Basically it works the same as the "example webservice" by 3E. To check it out use the following command:
svn checkout https://adempiere.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/adempiere/contributions/3E
Now follow the howto from the example:
- you need maven 2 (http://maven.apache.org/)
- you need jetty http server version 5.1.12 (www.mortbay.org/)[1]
- you need some eclipse plugins:
- eclipse-maven (http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/update/)
- jetty plugin (http://jettylauncher.sourceforge.net/updates)
- import project in eclipse
- create run configuration for jetty
- run it
- open (http://localhost:8080/services/adempiere?wsdl) in browser - Web Service is working !
- you can use SoapUI to test it (http://www.soapui.org/)
If you experience problems compiling and running it look here: [2]. If you want to start developing a Soap client for this service use this Tutorial. --Jab doa 14:12, 5 July 2007 (EDT)
This project is the father of a bigger project described here Adempiere_Web_Services - thanks to 3E for this great big initial contribution.