Sponsored Development: Libero Distribution Resource Planning

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To introduce a Libero DRP (Distribution Resource Planning into the ADempiere suite of manufacturing related features.

Project Team


Victor Perez

Functional Design

  • Victor Perez (contribute with work) of e-Evolution


  • Victor Perez (contribute with work) of e-Evolution


  • Victor Perez (contribute with work) of e-Evolution


others welcome


DRP in Spanish


Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements.

DRP uses several variables:

  • the on-hand inventory at the end of a time period.
  • the backordered demand at the end of a time period.
  • the required quantity of product needed at the beginning of a time period.
  • the constrained quantity of product available at the beginning of a time period.
  • the recommended order quantity at the beginning of a period.

DRP needs the following information:

  • the demand in a future time period.
  • the scheduled receipts at the beginning of a time period.
  • the safety stock requirement for a period.
  • the on-hand inventory at the beginning of a period.

Distribution Order


I am analyzing what is best way to management the transit inventory?


  • In a retail industry the environment are conform by multiple warehouses, each warehouse need management his own Reservation, On hand inventory , generality a store warehouse get the supply from central warehouse, so is necessary to management the requirement supply as Distribution Order.
  • the distribution order should to have next information shipper, promised date, ship to , product , qty to transfer. warehouse source , warehouse transit , warehouse target , etc., with this new document we can create distribution order. between warehouse and have the management of internal supply.

New functionality proposed :

  • The functionality to management this need is crate a new document called distribution order where we set the warehouse source, warehouse transit and warehouse target, the store create a new distribution order to item that need supply to support you demand.
  • Also is necessary a good control of back order, promise date.
  • when a distribution order is completed the system generate a inventory move with a move confirmation from warehouse source to warehouse transit , you entry the real quantities that you send from warehouse central to warehouse target, it movement generate the transaction the issue to each item and inventory on-hand is updated.
  • When the material is receipt in warehouse target you entry the qty confirm into the move confirmation and when the confirmation is completed the System generate a inventory move from warehouse transit to warehouse target, also here the are generate the transaction and on-hand is updated.
  • The new distribution order allow future new functionality to MRP or DRP (Distribution Requirement Plan).

Current functionality:

current Adempiere only management inventory move & move confirmation, but the functionality is very limit.

Issue with the current functionality:

  • 1.- current do no exist a control the back order , the quantities in transit , promise date to each item, do no is possible management the demand and supply between warehouses .
  • 2.- the current approach do not update the on-hand until you complete the move confirmation, it is big issue because the material in transit can take 2 to 5 days to been deliver, while it time the inventory do not show the real on-hand inventory.

here I want start a debate to know what is your perspective this subject.

The 2 way to solve it issue is :

  • 1.- Modify the current functionality to support some way the back order , the quantities in transit , promise date and solve the issue with qty on-hand
  • 2.- Create a new document called Distribution Order to management it business process.

Any comment or idea are welcome!

Victor Perez



the discussion here



Distribution Management Menu

  • New menu are here:


Distribution Order Window


Generate Movement (Manual) Form


Generate Movement Receipt Form


Generate Movement Process


New Inventory Movement Window



DRP article in Wikipedia

Manufacturing Resource Planning

Libero MRP II to ADempiere

DRP article in Business Dictionary