RPM - Distributing RPM Packages

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Distributing RPM Packages

Installing with RPM

The binary packages generated by rpmbuild can now be installed on target machines using the rpm command. Before doing so, the public GPG key must be loaded into the rpm database. Both must be done as root.

# rpm --import MYCOMPANY-RPM-GPG-KEY

# rpm --ivH adempiere-server-….noarch.rpm


# rpm --ivH adempiere-client-….noarch.rpm

But of course it would be much more efficient to have a central repository from which client machines can use tools like yum for automatic installation and upgrading.

Distributing the server package through a central yum repository might not be such a good idea, especially if it was built using pre-configured settings. That would enable anybody to download the server package and access critical information such us database passwords. And anyway, servers should always be upgraded manually.

Creating a YUM Repository

A web server is needed to distribute packages from a yum repository. The httpd server can be installed using yum, and for our purposes it can be started out of the box without having to configure it. Below commands have to be run as root.

# yum install httpd createrepo

# service httpd start

Create an adempiere directory under /var/www/html, and copy the GPG public key and the RPM packages to be distributed into it. Make sure that everybody has read permissions for those files.

$ mkdir -p /var/www/html/adempiere

$ cp MYCOMPANY-RPM-GPG-KEY /var/www/html/adempiere/

$ cp adempiere-….noarch.rpm /var/www/html/adempiere/

$ chmod o+x /var/www/html/adempiere

$ chmod -R o+r /var/www/html/adempiere

Create the repository by executing createrepo . (the last dot is important!) inside /var/www/html/adempiere

$ cd /var/www/html/adempiere

$ createrepo .

Your yum repository is now up and running and can be accessed from client machines.

For distributing upgrades, simply drop the new RPM files into the repository and run createrepo . again.

Installing with YUM

Before being able to use your new Adempiere repository, client machines must be aware that it exists. As root, create a file adempiere.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d with following contents:


And of course the public key for signature verification must be imported into the RPM database (needs to be done as root):

# rpm --import http://address.of.your.web.server/adempiere/MYCOMPANY-RPM-GPG-KEY

Now yum can be used to install, upgrade, or remove your Adempiere packages:

# yum install adempiere-client


# yum upgrade adempiere-client


# yum remove adempiere-client

If the client machine has daily run of yum enabled, it will automatically upgrade to the newest package published in the adempiere repository.