Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice
From ADempiere
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Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice
How to match
Auto Matching
- Using button "Create lines from", can auto matching material receipt lines with purchase order lines.
- In this case, we are using Window: Material Receipt. Tab: Material Receipt.
- The method is the same for Window: Invoice (Vendor).
- Step 1. Open Window: Material Receipt. Tab: Material Receipt
- Step 2. Click button "Create lines from"
- Step 3. Choose Purchase Order and select PO Lines, and then confirm.
- Step 4. You can see matched Purchase Order here.
- Step 5. Complete the document.
- Step 6. Select Receipt Line and then go to Tab Matched POs, you can see matched Purchase Order Line.
Manual Matching
- Window: Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice
- Attention:
- The Purchase Order / Material Receipt / Invoice have to be PROCESSED before matching.
- If you want to match partial shipment, make sure that "Same Quantity" is not selected.
How to delete matched records
- There 3 windows you can delete matched records.
Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice
- Window: Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice
Matched Invoices
- Window: Matched Invoices
Matched Purchase Order
- Window: Matched Purchase Order
Related Windows
- Purchase Order
- Material Receipt
- Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice
- Matched Purchase Orders
- Matched Invoices