ManPageR Aging
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Report: Aging
Description : Aging Report
Help : The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. If you select a currency, you get only invoices of that currency, otherwise the amounts are converted to your primary accounting currency. If you do not select a Statement Date, the system date is used to calculate the buckets. If you do not list the individual invoices, the Due Date is the earliest due date for the business partner and the Due Days are the average due days of all invoices.
Class Name: org.compiere.process.Aging ReportView Name: T_Aging
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Statement date | Date of the statement | The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. | StatementDate
Sales Transaction | This is a Sales Transaction | The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. | IsSOTrx
Currency | The Currency for this record | Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record | C_Currency_ID
Business Partner Group | Business Partner Group | The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. | C_BP_Group_ID
Business Partner | Identifies a Business Partner | A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson | C_BPartner_ID
List Invoices | Include List of Invoices | IsListInvoices
Columns in T_Aging:
InvoicedAmt | Invoiced | C_Invoice.GrandTotal, all invoiced |
OpenAmt | Invoiced - Paid | OpenAmt, something like GrandTotal - Paid (according C_AllocationLine) |
DueDate | Due Date | max(DueDate) |
DaysDue | Days Due | avg(DaysDue), DaysDue negative if the account is not overdue |
Fields for Projection | ||
DueAmt | Without overdue | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= 0 |
Due0 | Due Today | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue = 0 |
Due0_7 | Due this week including today | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -7 and 0 |
Due0_30 | Due this month | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -30 and 0 |
Due1_7 | Due this week not including today | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -7 and -1 |
Due8_30 | Due between next 8-30 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -30 and -8 |
Due31_60 |
Due between next 31-60 days (next month) |
sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -60 and -31 |
Due31_Plus | Due after 30 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= -31 |
Due61_90 | Due between next 61-90 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -90 and -61 |
Due61_Plus | Due after 60 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= -61 |
Due91_Plus | Due after 90 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= -91 |
Fields for Aging | ||
PastDueAmt | All OverDue | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue > 0 |
PastDue1_7 | Overdue last week | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 1 and 7 |
PastDue1_30 | Overdue between 1 - 30 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 1 and 30 |
PastDue8_30 | Overdue between 8 - 30 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 8 and 30 |
PastDue31_60 | Overdue between 31-60 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 31 and 60 |
PastDue31_Plus | Overdue greater 30 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue >= 31 |
PastDue61_90 | Overdue between 61-90 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 61 and 90 |
PastDue61_Plus | Overdue greater 60 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue >= 61 |
PastDue91_Plus | Overdue greater 90 days | sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue >= 91 |