ManPageP DeliverAssets
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Process: Deliver Assets
Description : Deliver Customer Assets electronically
Help : Send Mail to customers and attach new delivery (optional).
Class Name: org.compiere.process.AssetDelivery
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Asset Group | Group of Assets | The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. | A_Asset_Group_ID
Product | Product, Service, Item | Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. | M_Product_ID
Business Partner | Identifies a Business Partner | A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson | C_BPartner_ID
Asset | Asset used internally or by customers | An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. | A_Asset_ID
Guarantee Date | Date when guarantee expires | Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires | GuaranteeDate
Expired Guarantee Mail | Send email to partners with expired guarantee | NoGuarantee_MailText_ID
| |
Attach Asset | Attach Asset to be delivered per email | AttachAsset