Adempiere3.2.0/en/ManPageP ResetAccounting olh

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Process: Reset Accounting

Description : Reset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting **

Help : Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Journal entries is not sensible.

Class Name: org.compiere.process.FactAcctReset

ManPageP ResetAccounting.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID


Table Database Table information The Database Table provides the information of the table definition AD_Table_ID


Delete existing Accounting Entries The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! DeletePosting
