Talk:Sponsored Development: Drop Ship

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Revision as of 07:23, 29 April 2007 by Croo (Talk)

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Good start Joel...

re: Fixes Needed

I made such changes for a previous version (which I seem to have mislaid I will search again!) but I added the additional change that I added the Sales BP (which as you correctly identified is wrongly assigned to the PO BP) & its locations address to the PO Description as I think it is commonly required to tell the vendor where to deleiver to. I had hardcoded a "Please Deliver to:" before the name & address, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea for general use where I expect this phrase would need to be translated?

re: Enhancements Needed

Rather than (or perhaps as well as) the possibility to create a Receipt, my thinking was ... Once the PO is sent it could be forgotten as our client organisation does not technically need to get involved again until the AP Invoice arrives which could be a long time between. So in order to keep the order "in the sights", so to speak, of our client organisation; I had considered (but hadn't advanced so far in my enhancements) that a receipt would automatically be created ... similiar to a warehouse sales order creating a shipment... and the receipt would be define requiring a confirmation. That open confirmation could then be used by the Sale team to keep track of the status. If they hear nothing from the customer for which a dropship receipt confirmation existed this could be used by the worflow or escalation process to initiate an action  !? As I write this I think perhaps it would be better if an automated receipt AND shipment (with a confirmation) to the customer is made? An open shipment awaiting Invoicing makes more sense. But then any invoice from the supplier would be paid without question by the finance (as the goods were received in the system) even though the customer may not have received the goods. A receipt & ship would keep the stock level & valuation correct (i.e. we have Zero). What do you think? Did I make my proposal clear? --Croo 10:23, 29 April 2007 (EDT)