Setting Posterita from SVN

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Steps on how to set up the development environment to run Posterita


You need to have the following installed before proceeding:

a. Java 1.5. b. Oracle 10g or Oracle xe. c. The latest version of Ant ( d. The latest version of Eclipse

Setting up the development environment to run Posterita

1. Check out the project from svn using Eclipse.

2. Go to contributions/posterita.

3. Download the latest zip of Adempiere (

4. After extracting it, go in the folder Adempiere/lib and copy the following jars and add them to the classpath: Adempiere.jar adempiereApps.jar CCTools.jar CSTools.jar freepdf.jar j2ee.jar jboss.jar jPDF.jar oracle.jar sqlj.jar

4. After all the jars (.jar) have been added to the classpath, the project will be compiled without errors.

5. Import the Oracle database found in folder posterita/data/seed/posterita.jar.

6. Configure the application server plugin in your IDE and start it. An Adempiere Connection window will pop up.

7. Fill in the appropriate parameters.

8. Open a web browser and type in the url http://<IP adress of the application server>:<port>/posterita/

9. You would get a page with an example client posterita already configured on it.

  By clicking on the client name it would send you to the login page. The default user is "Admin" , password is "Admin" (case sensitive). You can also login by entering the a pin ("12345") for the default user "Admin".

10. After login, a page for a default terminal would appear. For the test client there is only one terminal called "Terminal 1".

   It would be asked for the first time only. Click on the Save button to proceed to the main menu of Posterita.

11. If a new client is needed log out of the system type the following url in the address bar of the browser:

http://<IP Address of Application Server>:<web Port>/posterita/ (case sensitive)

A page would appear with all the required fields needed to configure client, please remember that all fields are required.

The creation of the client would take a bit of time. Once the creation is complete, it would automatically direct to the login page.

	Note: All the informations about the POS Terminal and Client are stored in the cookies.

12. To create containing Posterita, follow the steps below:

	Create 2 folders under the project:

1.ademdist 2.dist

a. In the 1st folder, add the latest version of

b. Run build.xml found in the Posterita/bin to generate, and Posterita.war in the folder dist. The zip can be directly used to install Adempiere with Posterita in it.

c. For the existing installation of Adempiere, copy and paste the Posterita.war in Adempiere/jboss/server/adempiere/deploy/