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''Chat times in GMT-5''<br>
''Chat times in GMT-5''<br>
(01:03:42) ''satyag [~satyag@] entered the channel.''<br>
(01:04:54) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': Hi satyag - glad to see you here<br>
(01:05:08) '''''satyag''''': hi all<br>
(01:06:16) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': nwessel had a little confusion with the time - so he's going to arrive a little late<br>
(01:06:45) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': have you followed our discussions and decisions on PMC Release group?<br>
(01:07:13) ''trifon has left the channel (quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds).''<br>
(01:10:01) '''''satyag''''': CarlosRuiz1, the one about time based releases or moving to Dvcs ?<br>
(01:10:25) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': all of our meetings - and a few mails on mail list<br>
(01:10:32) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': our meetings are published in wiki<br>
(01:20:26) '''''nwessel''''': good morning<br>
(01:20:42) '''''nwessel''''': hi saryag, nice that you made it<br>
(01:20:54) '''''nwessel''''': sorry, satyag<br>
(01:21:08) '''''satyag''''': nwessel, hi<br>
(01:21:23) ***satyag reading http://www.adempiere.com/index.php/Release_Strategy<br>
(01:21:31) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': Hi<br>
(01:21:44) '''''nwessel''''': hi Carlos<br>
(01:21:50) '''''nwessel''''': sorry for the confusion<br>
(01:22:13) '''''satyag''''': np i had it too , it ok<br>
(01:22:29) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': :-)  I don't suffer from that - we don't have DST<br>
(01:23:28) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': even we don't have winter or summer the way you have<br>
(01:23:35) '''''nwessel''''': ah ok<br>
(01:23:40) '''''nwessel''''': its a pain in the ass<br>
(01:23:50) '''''satyag''''': we don't have but the multiple entries in calendar and i was not sure if G! will show my timezone<br>
(01:24:09) '''''nwessel''''': especially from winter to summer because you lose one hour and sleeping rythm gets confused<br>
(01:24:25) '''''nwessel''''': so, lets start<br>
(01:24:48) '''''CarlosRuiz1''''': yep<br>
(01:25:07) ''You are now identified for CarlosRuiz''<br>
(01:25:28) '''''nwessel''''': http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhBAFce33rWhdFJBeWltV0NTdGwxS2dZdkhJLWRYU3c&hl=en<br>
(01:27:25) '''''nwessel''''': lets start with no. 2 wdyt?<br>
(01:27:44) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': sure <br>
(01:28:01) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': triage is advancing really slow<br>
(01:28:08) '''''nwessel''''': the result of triage day was not that good was it?<br>
(01:28:39) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': depending which half of the glass you see :-)<br>
(01:28:46) '''''nwessel''''': :-)<br>
(01:29:09) '''''nwessel''''': do you know how many items you got done?<br>
(01:29:23) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': let me check the advance ...<br>
(01:29:40) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': it's advancing really slow - I'm very focused on solving average costing issues<br>
(01:30:04) '''''nwessel''''': because I think the best way would be to approach the inventory list<br>
(01:30:25) '''''nwessel''''': I am still thinking that we should focus on the bugs that belong to supported functionality<br>
(01:31:07) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': from the original 434 bugs for triage - there are still 170 pending to review<br>
(01:31:40) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': from those 170 - there are 74 that probably never have been looked (those with priority 5)<br>
(01:32:55) '''''nwessel''''': I was not able to participate in bug triage day<br>
(01:33:27) '''''nwessel''''': what is your approach Carlos? First look at the 170 to get the whole picture?<br>
(01:34:15) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': my priorities are:<br>
(01:34:15) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': 1 - average costing<br>
(01:34:15) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': 2 - triage<br>
(01:34:15) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': 3 - feature inventory<br>
(01:34:15) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': 4 - solve core bugs prio 9<br>
(01:34:15) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': 5 - solve other bugs<br>
(01:34:56) '''''satyag''''': CarlosRuiz, do you have seperate lists in that order<br>
(01:35:22) '''''satyag''''': i still have no clue what average costing is ;-)<br>
(01:35:30) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': as this is evolving at one man pace - I guess for jun-14 release hopefully I'll finish the feature inventory<br>
(01:36:02) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': more specifically about [1] - invoice average costing<br>
(01:36:25) '''''satyag''''': also once i have the list , since i can circulate among students to get cracking one by one <br>
(01:36:47) '''''nwessel''''': are you still using trunk vs.release list?<br>
(01:36:59) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': ?<br>
(01:37:19) ***satyag here in india summer holidays are approaching hoards of students are going after GSOC , some of them come to me too for work <br>
(01:38:11) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': nwessel: do you mean this?  http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tidDB6O3jr5u-CP9L9BTnUA&single=true&gid=0&output=html<br>
(01:38:31) '''''nwessel''''': yes<br>
(01:38:47) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': I keep synching trunk with release - and annotating there the rejected things<br>
(01:39:06) '''''nwessel''''': so is there a list for inventory existing or should we set up a new one?<br>
(01:39:46) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': in "Adempiere PMC Functional" spreadsheet - third tab<br>
(01:40:02) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': just a seed - 20 lines - not started fully this work<br>
(01:40:55) ''red1 [~red1@] entered the channel.''<br>
(01:42:08) '''''nwessel''''': may we should discuss on the structure?<br>
(01:42:20) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': sure - comments are welcome<br>
(01:42:24) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': and fixes  :-)<br>
(01:42:56) '''''nwessel''''': idea: what about using AD to mark the maturity of a feature?<br>
(01:43:31) '''''nwessel''''': we could start on window basis and take on processes later<br>
(01:43:51) '''''nwessel''''': I was thinking about something like beta-checkbox<br>
(01:44:10) '''''nwessel''''': in the maintained release we could disable/hide what is not supported<br>
(01:44:10) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': not sure - there are things that are working on a release, and on the next are not<br>
(01:44:39) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': like cash journal - it was working on 342 - since posterita integration now it has issues<br>
(01:45:17) ''i-zugizo [~i-zugizo@] entered the channel.''<br>
(01:45:25) '''''satyag''''': nwessel, are you talking about something like a debug build?<br>
(01:46:15) '''''nwessel''''': no, I was thinking how to maintain an inventory list without the need to retype all entities<br>
(01:46:32) '''''satyag''''': k<br>
(01:46:35) '''''nwessel''''': I want to pick up your idea, Carlos<br>
(01:46:41) '''''nwessel''''': community size is a fake<br>
(01:46:48) '''''nwessel''''': there are only few real contributors<br>
(01:46:56) '''''nwessel''''': but so I see the functionality of adempiere<br>
(01:47:13) '''''nwessel''''': we need to clearly identify the things that work and are supported<br>
(01:47:26) '''''nwessel''''': and only these we can incorporate into a LTS<br>
(01:47:39) '''''nwessel''''': that might be only 50% of overall functionality<br>
(01:47:58) '''''nwessel''''': but if something has not the quality to be released we should not do it<br>
(01:48:15) '''''satyag''''': agreed<br>
(01:48:26) '''''satyag''''': and it should be mentioned in release notes<br>
(01:48:37) '''''nwessel''''': this is just a draft idea<br>
(01:48:42) '''''nwessel''''': we do not have a real user base<br>
(01:48:42) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': yes - or release it with a "beta" notice<br>
(01:48:59) '''''nwessel''''': because systems running have been setup and modified by service companies<br>
(01:49:06) '''''nwessel''''': that do not contribute (mostly)<br>
(01:49:22) '''''nwessel''''': so they are maintaining their version anyway<br>
(01:49:45) '''''nwessel''''': right, carlos<br>
(01:50:00) '''''satyag''''': so how does one differentiate the releases?<br>
(01:50:31) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': but I think as a start we better do it in a google spreadsheet<br>
(01:50:41) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': adding a dictionary layer for that will be extra work<br>
(01:50:46) '''''nwessel''''': ok<br>
(01:50:51) '''''satyag''''': nwessel, yes what i have seen so far they do modifications and rebranding too <br>
(01:51:10) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': and free advertising  :-)<br>
(01:51:43) '''''red1''''': the company i working with in Thailand has put up a googledoc of full user testing and feedback<br>
(01:51:59) '''''nwessel''''': hi red1, seen your post reg. that<br>
(01:52:18) '''''red1''''': danke.. i tot u too busy to read<br>
(01:52:35) '''''satyag''''': red1, so whats the test methodology is it manual i presume <br>
(01:52:39) '''''red1''''': they will like to know how to synch with the project<br>
(01:52:43) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': great we have a new exception to the rule - we need to think how to make contributors the rule  ;-)<br>
(01:52:43) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': but I suppose that's out of scope of this meeting<br>
(01:52:58) '''''red1''''': yes satyag .. they have an outsource team .. . which i am asking them to do FULL JUNIT logic<br>
(01:53:10) '''''red1''''': they agreed! but i m not sure how they gonna do it fast<br>
(01:53:20) '''''satyag''''': red1, cool i will look into it too<br>
(01:53:29) '''''red1''''': their team is poor on the ADempiere side but strong on the Hibernate side<br>
(01:53:47) '''''red1''''': (sorry.. out of scope!)<br>
(01:54:16) '''''nwessel''''': Carlos, most important thing is to agree on a structure of the inventory list<br>
(01:54:32) '''''nwessel''''': that we are able to get out release notes, known issues, etc<br>
(01:54:35) '''''satyag''''': i think the process could be 1) QA does the testing on nightly build and reports back 2) release team comes with a release plan <br>
(01:54:38) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': yes - I wrote like a detailed inventory - but we could start with something at a higher level<br>
(01:54:53) '''''nwessel''''': and the list should give the documentation team a guide what to document first<br>
(01:55:12) '''''nwessel''''': because core features + documentation + stable software should be the aim for the LTS<br>
(01:55:15) '''''satyag''''': nwessel, the inventory list can  come out of the QA testing <br>
(01:55:23) '''''nwessel''''': do we have a consens reg. that?<br>
(01:55:52) ''jmpiloq [~jmpiloq@static-87-79-94-28.netcologne.de] entered the channel.''<br>
(01:55:54) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': do you mean consensus about the aim?<br>
(01:55:58) '''''nwessel''''': yes<br>
(01:56:11) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': yes from my side - for future I hope we can arrive there<br>
(01:58:16) '''''nwessel''''': I think we need to stop here<br>
(01:58:25) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': so, nwessel, to finish this meeting I just can say that I'll keep working on those priorities I stated - I hope to have you more advance on triage for next meeting<br>
(01:58:30) '''''nwessel''''': next meeting is on 21th of april, right?<br>
(01:58:42) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': yep<br>
(02:00:23) '''''CarlosRuiz''''': so - thanks for attending guys<br>

Latest revision as of 10:35, 7 April 2010

Date: 2010-04-07
Time: 6AM GMT
Venue: irc #adempiere-team
Support Spreadsheet: Adempiere PMC Release
Chat times in GMT-5

(01:03:42) satyag [~satyag@] entered the channel.
(01:04:54) CarlosRuiz1: Hi satyag - glad to see you here
(01:05:08) satyag: hi all
(01:06:16) CarlosRuiz1: nwessel had a little confusion with the time - so he's going to arrive a little late
(01:06:45) CarlosRuiz1: have you followed our discussions and decisions on PMC Release group?
(01:07:13) trifon has left the channel (quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
(01:10:01) satyag: CarlosRuiz1, the one about time based releases or moving to Dvcs ?
(01:10:25) CarlosRuiz1: all of our meetings - and a few mails on mail list
(01:10:32) CarlosRuiz1: our meetings are published in wiki
(01:20:26) nwessel: good morning
(01:20:42) nwessel: hi saryag, nice that you made it
(01:20:54) nwessel: sorry, satyag
(01:21:08) satyag: nwessel, hi
(01:21:23) ***satyag reading http://www.adempiere.com/index.php/Release_Strategy
(01:21:31) CarlosRuiz1: Hi
(01:21:44) nwessel: hi Carlos
(01:21:50) nwessel: sorry for the confusion
(01:22:13) satyag: np i had it too , it ok
(01:22:29) CarlosRuiz1: :-) I don't suffer from that - we don't have DST
(01:23:28) CarlosRuiz1: even we don't have winter or summer the way you have
(01:23:35) nwessel: ah ok
(01:23:40) nwessel: its a pain in the ass
(01:23:50) satyag: we don't have but the multiple entries in calendar and i was not sure if G! will show my timezone
(01:24:09) nwessel: especially from winter to summer because you lose one hour and sleeping rythm gets confused
(01:24:25) nwessel: so, lets start
(01:24:48) CarlosRuiz1: yep
(01:25:07) You are now identified for CarlosRuiz
(01:25:28) nwessel: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhBAFce33rWhdFJBeWltV0NTdGwxS2dZdkhJLWRYU3c&hl=en
(01:27:25) nwessel: lets start with no. 2 wdyt?
(01:27:44) CarlosRuiz: sure
(01:28:01) CarlosRuiz: triage is advancing really slow
(01:28:08) nwessel: the result of triage day was not that good was it?
(01:28:39) CarlosRuiz: depending which half of the glass you see :-)
(01:28:46) nwessel: :-)
(01:29:09) nwessel: do you know how many items you got done?
(01:29:23) CarlosRuiz: let me check the advance ...
(01:29:40) CarlosRuiz: it's advancing really slow - I'm very focused on solving average costing issues
(01:30:04) nwessel: because I think the best way would be to approach the inventory list
(01:30:25) nwessel: I am still thinking that we should focus on the bugs that belong to supported functionality
(01:31:07) CarlosRuiz: from the original 434 bugs for triage - there are still 170 pending to review
(01:31:40) CarlosRuiz: from those 170 - there are 74 that probably never have been looked (those with priority 5)
(01:32:55) nwessel: I was not able to participate in bug triage day
(01:33:27) nwessel: what is your approach Carlos? First look at the 170 to get the whole picture?
(01:34:15) CarlosRuiz: my priorities are:
(01:34:15) CarlosRuiz: 1 - average costing
(01:34:15) CarlosRuiz: 2 - triage
(01:34:15) CarlosRuiz: 3 - feature inventory
(01:34:15) CarlosRuiz: 4 - solve core bugs prio 9
(01:34:15) CarlosRuiz: 5 - solve other bugs
(01:34:56) satyag: CarlosRuiz, do you have seperate lists in that order
(01:35:22) satyag: i still have no clue what average costing is ;-)
(01:35:30) CarlosRuiz: as this is evolving at one man pace - I guess for jun-14 release hopefully I'll finish the feature inventory
(01:36:02) CarlosRuiz: more specifically about [1] - invoice average costing
(01:36:25) satyag: also once i have the list , since i can circulate among students to get cracking one by one
(01:36:47) nwessel: are you still using trunk vs.release list?
(01:36:59) CarlosRuiz: ?
(01:37:19) ***satyag here in india summer holidays are approaching hoards of students are going after GSOC , some of them come to me too for work
(01:38:11) CarlosRuiz: nwessel: do you mean this? http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tidDB6O3jr5u-CP9L9BTnUA&single=true&gid=0&output=html
(01:38:31) nwessel: yes
(01:38:47) CarlosRuiz: I keep synching trunk with release - and annotating there the rejected things
(01:39:06) nwessel: so is there a list for inventory existing or should we set up a new one?
(01:39:46) CarlosRuiz: in "Adempiere PMC Functional" spreadsheet - third tab
(01:40:02) CarlosRuiz: just a seed - 20 lines - not started fully this work
(01:40:55) red1 [~red1@] entered the channel.
(01:42:08) nwessel: may we should discuss on the structure?
(01:42:20) CarlosRuiz: sure - comments are welcome
(01:42:24) CarlosRuiz: and fixes  :-)
(01:42:56) nwessel: idea: what about using AD to mark the maturity of a feature?
(01:43:31) nwessel: we could start on window basis and take on processes later
(01:43:51) nwessel: I was thinking about something like beta-checkbox
(01:44:10) nwessel: in the maintained release we could disable/hide what is not supported
(01:44:10) CarlosRuiz: not sure - there are things that are working on a release, and on the next are not
(01:44:39) CarlosRuiz: like cash journal - it was working on 342 - since posterita integration now it has issues
(01:45:17) i-zugizo [~i-zugizo@] entered the channel.
(01:45:25) satyag: nwessel, are you talking about something like a debug build?
(01:46:15) nwessel: no, I was thinking how to maintain an inventory list without the need to retype all entities
(01:46:32) satyag: k
(01:46:35) nwessel: I want to pick up your idea, Carlos
(01:46:41) nwessel: community size is a fake
(01:46:48) nwessel: there are only few real contributors
(01:46:56) nwessel: but so I see the functionality of adempiere
(01:47:13) nwessel: we need to clearly identify the things that work and are supported
(01:47:26) nwessel: and only these we can incorporate into a LTS
(01:47:39) nwessel: that might be only 50% of overall functionality
(01:47:58) nwessel: but if something has not the quality to be released we should not do it
(01:48:15) satyag: agreed
(01:48:26) satyag: and it should be mentioned in release notes
(01:48:37) nwessel: this is just a draft idea
(01:48:42) nwessel: we do not have a real user base
(01:48:42) CarlosRuiz: yes - or release it with a "beta" notice
(01:48:59) nwessel: because systems running have been setup and modified by service companies
(01:49:06) nwessel: that do not contribute (mostly)
(01:49:22) nwessel: so they are maintaining their version anyway
(01:49:45) nwessel: right, carlos
(01:50:00) satyag: so how does one differentiate the releases?
(01:50:31) CarlosRuiz: but I think as a start we better do it in a google spreadsheet
(01:50:41) CarlosRuiz: adding a dictionary layer for that will be extra work
(01:50:46) nwessel: ok
(01:50:51) satyag: nwessel, yes what i have seen so far they do modifications and rebranding too
(01:51:10) CarlosRuiz: and free advertising  :-)
(01:51:43) red1: the company i working with in Thailand has put up a googledoc of full user testing and feedback
(01:51:59) nwessel: hi red1, seen your post reg. that
(01:52:18) red1: danke.. i tot u too busy to read
(01:52:35) satyag: red1, so whats the test methodology is it manual i presume
(01:52:39) red1: they will like to know how to synch with the project
(01:52:43) CarlosRuiz: great we have a new exception to the rule - we need to think how to make contributors the rule  ;-)
(01:52:43) CarlosRuiz: but I suppose that's out of scope of this meeting
(01:52:58) red1: yes satyag .. they have an outsource team .. . which i am asking them to do FULL JUNIT logic
(01:53:10) red1: they agreed! but i m not sure how they gonna do it fast
(01:53:20) satyag: red1, cool i will look into it too
(01:53:29) red1: their team is poor on the ADempiere side but strong on the Hibernate side
(01:53:47) red1: (sorry.. out of scope!)
(01:54:16) nwessel: Carlos, most important thing is to agree on a structure of the inventory list
(01:54:32) nwessel: that we are able to get out release notes, known issues, etc
(01:54:35) satyag: i think the process could be 1) QA does the testing on nightly build and reports back 2) release team comes with a release plan
(01:54:38) CarlosRuiz: yes - I wrote like a detailed inventory - but we could start with something at a higher level
(01:54:53) nwessel: and the list should give the documentation team a guide what to document first
(01:55:12) nwessel: because core features + documentation + stable software should be the aim for the LTS
(01:55:15) satyag: nwessel, the inventory list can come out of the QA testing
(01:55:23) nwessel: do we have a consens reg. that?
(01:55:52) jmpiloq [~jmpiloq@static-87-79-94-28.netcologne.de] entered the channel.
(01:55:54) CarlosRuiz: do you mean consensus about the aim?
(01:55:58) nwessel: yes
(01:56:11) CarlosRuiz: yes from my side - for future I hope we can arrive there
(01:58:16) nwessel: I think we need to stop here
(01:58:25) CarlosRuiz: so, nwessel, to finish this meeting I just can say that I'll keep working on those priorities I stated - I hope to have you more advance on triage for next meeting
(01:58:30) nwessel: next meeting is on 21th of april, right?
(01:58:42) CarlosRuiz: yep
(02:00:23) CarlosRuiz: so - thanks for attending guys