ADempiere Virtual Conference Room

From ADempiere
Revision as of 17:42, 23 November 2006 by JsSolutions (Talk)

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We have established an account to allow for ADempiere members to speak together for group conferences. You can call with SKYPE for free, or there are also regular phone numbers that you can call to be entered into the discussion. It is advertised to allow up to 500 participants.

On a pilot basis, we'll keep this line available for open ADempiere discussions. Since it is a service that we haven't tried, please post to the discussion tab if you encounter any issues.

High Speed PLUS+ Account Information

From Skype: call to be a participant

           Skype number:+990008275175839

From a regular phone...

Calling from the US call # 1-712-432-4000

(long distance costs apply).

In Europe, call:
   Austria     0820 400 01562
   Belgium    0703 59 984
   France     0826 100 266
   Germany  01805 00 7620
   UK            0870 119 2350

The conference is free but national rate charges will apply to these calls.


I also noticed this posting elsewhere, but am not sure if it still applies...

-10 November 2006 has now a limited access line in Australia that they are testing! The access line can have two concurrent callers, and anyone else would need to dial into any of their other access lines or use Skype to access the conference. The Australian access number is +61 283 078 824.

Your Conference Room Number is : 5175839
To send a conference invitation to participants:

Please read the User Guide before your call.

Features Available During the Conference

Web Controls for call muting, conference locking and unlocking. 
*1 Play menu of features so you know what's available
*2 Mute your own line so other people can't hear you talking 
*3 Unmute your line so you can contribute to the conference 
*4 Hear the number of callers who are on the conference 
*5 Lock the conference so no other callers can join 
*6 Unlock the conference so additional callers can join 
*8 Mute all participants except yourself -- this is also known as lecture mode
*9 Unmute all participants so everyone can participate

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