Talk:Software Development Procedure

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Revision as of 10:29, 21 December 2010 by Tobi (Talk) (Switching to HG)

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Switching to HG

Tobi 17:12, 21 December 2010 (UTC)

If we switch to mercurial, the concept is unaffected, there are just some minor differences:

  • Instead of developers creating a branch, they clone the repository. That means, they create a local copy of the repo to work with.
  • Instead of "trunk", we speak of the Default-Branch
  • Open question for what is currently called "stabilization-branch"
    • With HG, "stabilization" can still be a branch, similar to svn
      • Difference between hg and svn: In SVN, a branch is just a copy that by convention lives under "branches". In HG, it is explicitly created by the hg branch command.
      • On cloning, a developer can create a clone that contains both branches or only a single branch
    • With HG, "stabilization" can be another HG-repository that is initially cloned from "Default" and then sychronized.
    • My opinion: currently I'm in favor of having a stabilization branch, because that way we have only one repo.
    • There is no need to give contributors write access to the stabilization branch, so "Default" and "Stabilisation" could as well be inside the same branch

open questions by nwessel

  • do we need to revise the best practices
    • tobi42 08:06, 18 November 2010 (UTC) Here is my opinion
      1. I don't think that the best practices should be written in stone (im am bit sceptical about the "100% compliance" thing, too). It should be up to the PMC teams to interpret and revise them as neccessary.
      2. Therefore I don't think that the ABP need a resivion before this whole thing can start. They are already pretty good to help both the developers in writing good code and the PMC team to do a good review.
  • provide templates and samples for wiki pages

open questions by tobi42

  • I think we should include the Release Commit Rules in the concept. The technical team should only commit stuff to the stabilization-branch, if it meets those rules. This implies that work from a developer branch is only merged into stabilization branch, if those rules are met. WDYT?
    • Nwessel 12:15, 18 November 2010 (UTC) I think the technical team can make usage of that rules and apply them to themselfes.

different diagram by kthiemann

  • I tried to create a more simple diagram to make the process easier to understand:
Sdp easy.png

Here is the list of people

working on the concept and agreeing with it:

  • Teo Sarca
  • Joel Stangeland
  • Victor Perez
  • Werner Scharinger
  • Thomas Kreser
  • Mario Calderon
  • Susanne Calderon
  • Kai Schaeffer
  • Karsten Thiemann
  • Mark Ostermann
  • Norbert Wessel
  • Tobias Schöneberg
  • Dirk Niemeyer
  • Dominik Zajac
  • Ramiro Vergara
  • Christina Ghita