Launching the Application Server

From ADempiere
Revision as of 21:53, 21 May 2007 by Benbaron (Talk) (Start Application Server)

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Complete ADempiere Server Install

Before to start, you should have steps accomplished:

Start Application Server

You can now start the JBoss based ADempiere Application Server. To do it, go to console command and go to utils directory into your $ADEMPIERE_HOME. The run the script 'RUN_Server2 (.bat or .sh depending on your OS) Then you will see the RUN_Server2 output, such as:

IS RUN Server2.PNG

Please check that threre should be NO errors here. You can take a look into the logs to verify this (they are located at $ADEMPIERE_HOME/jboss/server/adempiere/logs).

The most common problems are with the ports, when some of them are used. In this case, you check which ports are in conflict. Typical conficting ports are:

  • HTTP: 80, 443, 8080, 8443
  • RMI : 1098, 1099

For Linux users: sometimes it helps simply restarting the workstation/server and executing RUN_Server2 as root.

Any port conflict when starting the Application Server must be solved.