Ecosoft/Customization for Bicycle Manufacturer Case Study

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Revision as of 08:37, 20 September 2010 by Kittiu (Talk) (Simple One Time Business Partner Credit Approval)

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This page contain specific customization made for Bicycle Manufacturer Case Study. All customizations are made without touching the core application, using customization.jar techinque

Source code (compiled to customization.jar) of this project will be updated to @ Bicycle SVN

Enhancement List

1. Enable Print & Print Preview Buttons With specific Logic

2. Simple one time credit approval (without the use of workflow)

3. Remove some actions in DocAction list based on DocStatus

Enhancement Detail

Enable Print & Print Preview Buttons With specific Logic

As of AD-360LTS, the Print and Print Preview Button is still not capable of enable/disable based on Document Status or other conditions, but only based on 1) report existence for that document type and 2) whether user has right to that report.

In our project, we have the need to prevent Document Forms (i.e., sales order, invoice, receipt) from being printed out when the document is not yet completed (or closed or voided) (DocStatus = CO, CL). There are some other alternative without touching the code, such as, have the status printout in big letters, so that people can spot it by their eye. But this is rejected by the client.

Requirement Summary

  • Use System Configurator window to control whether to use this feature.
  • Print and Print Preview button will be enabled only when the condition set is met. For example, we might want print buttons to enable only when document status is Complete/Closed/Voided, but except MM Shipment and AR Receipt Form that will be enabled in all DocStatus.

Step to deploy

  • 1)
    • Modify isPrinted() function to also check for the ENABLE_PRINT_BUTTON_WITH_LOGIC’s logic
	public boolean isPrinted()
		// Start of Modification - Enable Print Buttons with some logics
		 * return m_vo.AD_Process_ID != 0; 
		if (m_vo.AD_Process_ID == 0) {
			return false;
		else { // Check if Status is on the Enable List
			String docstatuslist = MSysConfig.getValue("ENABLE_PRINT_BUTTON_WITH_LOGIC", null, Env.getAD_Client_ID(m_vo.ctx), Env.getAD_Org_ID(m_vo.ctx));
			if (docstatuslist != null && docstatuslist.toString().length() > 0)
				return Evaluator.evaluateLogic(this, docstatuslist);
			else // No logic defined, back to normal
				return true;
		// End of Modification - Enable Print Buttons with some logics
	}	//	isPrinted
  • 2)
    • Modify getTitle() function add 2 lines to also set enable the button,
      • aPrint.setEnabled(m_curTab.isPrinted());
      • aPrintPreview.setEnabled(m_curTab.isPrinted());
	public String getTitle()
		// Start of Modification (add) - Enable Print Buttons with some logics
		// End of Modification - Enable Print Buttons with some logics
  • 3) Add new record in System Configurator window
    • Search Key: @C_DocType_ID@=120 | @C_DocType_ID@=119 | @DocStatus@='CO' | @DocStatus@='CL' | @DocStatus@='VO'
    • Note: 120, 119 is the c_doctype_id, many change from system to system. Check Document Type window for the current id.

Sysconfig enable print.jpg


  • Discussion about this feature in forum [1]
  • In tracker, but not trunkable, as there is another alternative using rule script (applicable but not same result) [2]

Simple One Time Business Partner Credit Approval


Given a Business Partner with Credit Status = Credit Watch. In the existing functionality,

  • If user creates a Sales Order (SO) for this Business Partner with Sales Amount more than the credit available (remaining),
  • He/she will not be able to complete the document. Clicking on Complete button will give warning message Credit On Hold… and Document Status will be changed to Invalid

As per existing functionality, the supervisor / admin will have to login and make change to Credit Status of this BP in Business Partner window to “Credit OK” or to increase the Credit Limit amount, and then supervisee will be able to complete document.

Currently, there is no built-in way to do one time approval in ADempiere.

This enhancement is to create a simple way (by select a CheckBox) for Supervisor of the SO creator to review and if everything is ok, make approval directly to this specific SO by ticking a CheckBox. And as the checkbox is ticked, the approval process will be ignored.

Remarks: At first, we are looking at using standard Workflow, but eventually found some difficulties,

  • Doc Process WF: This type of workflow is not even fired yet, as AD already stop it when check on Credit Limit.
  • Doc Value WF: This type of workflow will always send message to the Invoker (which is the user himself, no use). There is no way to specify the target approver.
  • This enhancement is not submitted as FR, as it is quite specific to this customer

Requirement Summary

Following is the TO-BE process for SO Credit Approval.

  • User creates SO (Sales Order), select BP (Business Partner) and add SO Lines with the total amount exceed Credit Available for this BP.
  • User clicks Complete Button to try to complete the document. The system will not allow and give warning message. DocStaus changes to Invalid. Without changing of the amount of SO lines, he/she will not able to continue.
  • User will notify his/her supervisor (manually) to approve the underline SO number.
  • Supervisor, will login to ADempiere as normal, open up the problem SO number, review and make decision.
    • If Approve,
      • Supervisor will click on “Credit Approved?” checkbox at the bottom of page and Save this document.
      • Supervisor will either notify his/her supervisee to go back and complete it, or he/she will complete by him/herself.
      • With the “Credit Approved?” checkbox checked, ADempiere should not give any warning.
      • End of the completion process.
    • If not Approve,
      • Supervisor simply does not do anything, and either go back to his/her to void it. Or he/she could void it by him/herself.
      • Supervisor simply does not do anything, and either
        • Keep it as ‘Invalid’ status and approve it when BP settles payment and their credit is available.
        • Or void it by him/herself or even go back to his/her supervisee to do it.


  • Since we do not use the Workflow to track, but use a simple Credit Approved CheckBox. Do make sure that,


  • This checkbox is visible only when the document status is Invalid
  • This checkbox should be Editable only for the specified supervisor but show as Read Only for other users at all time.
  • When SO document is copied as new SO, this checkbox will always be unchecked (although the original is checked)
  • Even this SO is already approved, but if user change Business Partner or the Line Amount (so the credit available is changed), this checkbox should be cleared.