
From ADempiere
Revision as of 04:43, 10 March 2007 by Tuckpooi (Talk) (Compilation FAQ)

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Building the source

Here you will find instructions for compiling and installing ADempiere from source and suggestions for when compilation doesn't go so smoothly.

ADempiere Stable

Instructions for installing the latest stable ADempiere 3.x release.

ADempiere Trunk

Instructions for installing the latest and greatest ADempiere development source code.

Older Versions

Instructions for installing the latest and greatest ADempiere development source code.

Building two versions

Learn how to build two (or more) copies of ADempiere.

Newbie Guide

Working with ADempiere SVN (on

Compilation FAQ

Problems (and their solutions) that people often have compiling ADempiere.

  • Remember to add "execute" permission to all the shell scripts before you start!
Run the following command from the directory above the Adempiere directory to convert all shell script files.
find Adempiere -name *.sh -exec chmod +x "{}" \;
Thanks to "DeathMeat" on Freenode #adempiere for that.
Notes: for OpenSuSE 10.1, it requires quote for the *.sh, which we shall type:
find Adempiere -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x "{}" \;
  • Errors running standard unix shell scripts
The standard unix shell scripts were created on a dos/windows platform and contain special characters that are incompatible with unix and which can cause strange errors when you run the scripts. The common dos2unix utility will correct this problem. Running the following command from the directory above the Adempiere install directory should fix this
find Adempiere -name *.sh -exec dos2unix -d "{}" \;
Thanks again to DeathMeat from freenode #adepiere for that.
In addition to the shell scripts (i.e. *.sh files) you may also need to run this utility (dos2unix) against the file Adempiere/jboss/bin/run.conf.
  • OutOfMemoryError when running the ant build
Allow the ant Process to use more (heap) memory. One way of doing this is by setting the ANT_OPTS environment variable. Example for Windows:
set ANT_OPT=-Xmx256M
For many Linux system, such as OpenSuSE, Fedora, Red Hat
export ANT_OPT=-Xmx256M
  • Show time!!
Move to the utils_dev directory
cd Adempiere/utils_dev
Compile everything,
in Linux
sh or ./
in Windows