User:Mar cal westf
Mario Calderon
Web: Systemhaus Westfalia
Company presentation: Systemhaus Westfalia.
Business Consultant, Software Developer, ADempiere Implementer, Certified SAP Consultant, active ADempiere citizen and strenuous collaborator in the ADempiere intitutions.
I studied, lived and worked in Germany for about 32 years as a software developer and consultant.
Since 2005 I live in my country El Salvador, where together with my wife Susanne, we founded Systemhaus Westfalia.
Joined ADempiere October 1st, 2006, after long talks with Victor who also taught me a lot about the code and the modules.
Thorough knowledge of ADempiere code and processes.
Specialization in complete implementations which include Production, Accounting and Costing.
Branches: Textile, Fishing, Pharmaceutical, Distribution, Rice production, Maintenance, Animal Feed.
Still as enthusiastic about ADempiere as ever and thankful to everyone who helps and has helped to bring about this project.