ManPageW WarehouseLocators
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Window: Warehouse & Locators
Description : Maintain Warehouses and Locators
Help : The Warehouse and Locators Window defines each Warehouse, any Locators for that Warehouse and the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse.
Tab: Warehouse
Description : Warehouse
Help : The Warehouse Tab defines each Warehouse that is used to store products. If a Source warehouse is selected, all product replenishment is from that warehouse. If you use custom replenishment algorithms, you need to define the class used per warehouse.
Table Name : M_Warehouse
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Client | Client/Tenant for this installation. | A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. | AD_Client_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Organization | Organizational entity within client | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Search Key | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.
If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). |
NVARCHAR2(40) String |
Name | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. | Name
NVARCHAR2(60) String |
Description | Optional short description of the record | A description is limited to 255 characters. | Description
NVARCHAR2(255) String |
Active | The record is active in the system | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
CHAR(1) YesNo |
Address | Location or Address | The Location / Address field defines the location of an entity. | C_Location_ID
NUMBER(10) Location |
Element Separator | Element Separator | The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure | Separator
CHAR(1) String |
Source Warehouse | Optional Warehouse to replenish from | If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) | M_WarehouseSource_ID
NUMBER(10) Table |
Replenishment Class | Custom class to calculate Quantity to Order | If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. | ReplenishmentClass
NVARCHAR2(60) String |
Tab: Locator
Description : Locator
Help : The Locator Tab defines any Locators for that Warehouse.
Table Name : M_Locator
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Client | Client/Tenant for this installation. | A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. | AD_Client_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Organization | Organizational entity within client | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Warehouse | Storage Warehouse and Service Point | The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. | M_Warehouse_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Search Key | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.
If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). |
NVARCHAR2(40) String |
Active | The record is active in the system | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
CHAR(1) YesNo |
Relative Priority | Where inventory should be picked from first | The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest). For outgoing shipments, the location is picked with the highest priority where the entire quantity can be shipped from. If there is no location, the location with the highest priority is used.
The Priority is ignored for products with Guarantee Date (always the oldest first) or if a speific instance is selected. Incoming receipts are stored at the location with the hoghest priority, if not explicitly selected. |
NUMBER(10) Integer |
Default | Default value | The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. | IsDefault
CHAR(1) YesNo |
Aisle (X) | X dimension, e.g., Aisle | The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. | X
NVARCHAR2(60) String |
Bin (Y) | Y dimension, e.g., Bin | The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in | Y
NVARCHAR2(60) String |
Level (Z) | Z dimension, e.g., Level | The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. | Z
NVARCHAR2(60) String |
Tab: Storage
Description : Detail Storage Information
Help :
Table Name : M_Storage
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Client | Client/Tenant for this installation. | A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. | AD_Client_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Organization | Organizational entity within client | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Locator | Warehouse Locator | The Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. | M_Locator_ID
NUMBER(10) Locator |
Product | Product, Service, Item | Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. | M_Product_ID
NUMBER(10) Search |
Attribute Set Instance | Product Attribute Set Instance | The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. | M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
NUMBER(10) ProductAttribute |
Active | The record is active in the system | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
CHAR(1) YesNo |
On Hand Quantity | On Hand Quantity | The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. | QtyOnHand
NUMBER Quantity |
Date last inventory count | Date of Last Inventory Count | The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. | DateLastInventory
DATE Date |
Reserved Quantity | Reserved Quantity | The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved. | QtyReserved
NUMBER Quantity |
Ordered Quantity | Ordered Quantity | The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. | QtyOrdered
NUMBER Quantity |
Tab: Replenish
Description : Define Product Replenishment
Help : The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level.
Table Name : M_Replenish
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Client | Client/Tenant for this installation. | A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. | AD_Client_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Organization | Organizational entity within client | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Warehouse | Storage Warehouse and Service Point | The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. | M_Warehouse_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Product | Product, Service, Item | Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. | M_Product_ID
NUMBER(10) Search |
Active | The record is active in the system | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
CHAR(1) YesNo |
Replenish Type | Method for re-ordering a product | The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. | ReplenishType
CHAR(1) List |
Minimum Level | Minimum Inventory level for this product | Indicates the minimum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. | Level_Min
NUMBER Amount |
Maximum Level | Maximum Inventory level for this product | Indicates the maximum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. | Level_Max
NUMBER Amount |
Source Warehouse | Optional Warehouse to replenish from | If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) | M_WarehouseSource_ID
NUMBER(10) Table |
Tab: Accounting
Description : Accounting
Help : The Accounting Tab defines the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse.
Table Name : M_Warehouse_Acct
Name | Description | Help | Technical Data |
Client | Client/Tenant for this installation. | A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. | AD_Client_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Organization | Organizational entity within client | An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. | AD_Org_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Warehouse | Storage Warehouse and Service Point | The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. | M_Warehouse_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Accounting Schema | Rules for accounting | An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar | C_AcctSchema_ID
NUMBER(10) TableDir |
Active | The record is active in the system | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
CHAR(1) YesNo |
(Not Used) | Warehouse Inventory Asset Account - Currently not used | The Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value. | W_Inventory_Acct
NUMBER(10) Account |
Inventory Adjustment | Account for Inventory value adjustments for Actual Costing | In actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account. | W_InvActualAdjust_Acct
NUMBER(10) Account |
Warehouse Differences | Warehouse Differences Account | The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. | W_Differences_Acct
NUMBER(10) Account |
Inventory Revaluation | Account for Inventory Revaluation | The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation. | W_Revaluation_Acct
NUMBER(10) Account |