ManPageP ReapplyCustomizations

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Process: Reapply Customizations

Description : If you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply them

Help : The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected in the Change Log, you can save the customization and re-apply them. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release.
Shut down the Application Server before running this process and set the Trace level (in Preference) higher or equals WARNING.

Class Name: org.compiere.process.ChangeLogProcess

ManPageP ReapplyCustomizations.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Only Set Customization Set Customization for change records records with Dictionary Entity Type SetCustomization


Validate current (old) Value Ensure that the old value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. original situation) CheckOldValue

